Currently, we are faced with siloed systems along a student’s educational and employment
journey that:
Placing the “student” at the center of design and development of regional talent ecosystems:
Design, Build, and Operate with the Commit Partnership
Advise, Design, and Support Alamo College
Advise, Design, Build, and Support Good Reason Houston
Advise, Design, Build, and Support T3
Design, Build, and Support Grayson College, NCTC, and TJC
Understanding and using data in new ways, like geomapping financial aid completion to look for community hot spots and community-based intervention points such as churches, community centers and elementary schools.
Learn MoreCase managing college readiness, automating career pathway maps, and developing powerful communication campaigns to produce dramatic gains in financial aid completion, associate degree completion, and college enrollment.
Learn MoreSupporting Dallas College to design and manage one of the largest case management implementations in the country focused on the full student journey.
Learn MoreSupporting UNT Dallas in leveraging new learner record technologies to more powerfully serve and process students direct from high school and via the transfer pipeline to support dramatic enrollment growth.
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